Yes! God will grant you eternal salvation no matter what you have done in the past. You need only ask Him to save you. That is what Believers refer to as the “The Good News”. Besides, every person on earth who breaths was born as a sinner; “for all have sinned and come short of the glory …” Romans 3:23. So, it does not matter how terrible your past may have been because any sin that you might have committed has already been paid for. It has been washed away by the Son of God through His crucifixion on the Cross.
Is it possible that you may have to suffer the consequences here on earth for your past deeds? Yes, its possible that you may suffer discipline in time but if you have placed your faith in Christ as Savior, he will never forsake you. John 10:28-29 and II Tim.2:13 are proof of that promise. Your Salvation will always be assuredbecause that is God’s unwavering and unchanging promise which is yours to claim.
Salvation Also Benefits The Believer In The Here and Now!
Through God’s love He can save you from the power that sin currently has over you in this life. Once you accept Christ, His Spirit indwells you and you are no longer controlled by the sinful nature. This freedom makes it possible for you to say “no” to sin and overcome your enslavement to the sinful desires of the flesh. “You . . . are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you”(Romans 8:9)