The Divine Decree presents God’s complete knowledge of angelic and human history from eternity past to eternity future. For example, when a person expresses his personal faith in the working object of Jesus Christ in time, it was known to God in eternity past. The result is the salvation of that person’s soul. The divine decree permits volition to function freely, therefore the sovereignty of God and the free will of man coexist by divine decree. Volition permits each person to freely make his own choices, either for or against the gospel of salvation or the Word of God. This book discusses this gracious option of divine omniscience with human free will.
Whirlwind: Four-Generation Curse
Mankind’s original authority structure was the organized humility of the home and the training of children by their parents. If a child rejects parental authority, he will later reject other forms of divine authority. If this anti-authority attitude is developed early in life, submitting to the authority of an invisible God becomes less likely. The Four-Generation Curse is imposed due to collective decisions by the client nation’s Pivot, each generation choosing to spurn or ignore Christ, the authority of God, and the power of His Word. Only by personal love for God and the desire to learn, defend, and apply His inerrant Scripture can the believer have invisible historical impact that our nation’s current disorder and instability urgently needs.
Gospel’s Missionary Journey
The ebb and flow of history is controlled by Christ. The principle He uses to prosper or curse a Client Nation is the size of its Pivot. Thus, wherever the largest gathering of spiritually advancing believers exists in history is where the greatest degree of prosperity and divine blessing occurs. National prosperity first existed in the Jewish Client Nation of Israel under the reign of King David, followed later by Gentile Client Nations throughout Europe, and eventually in the United States of America. This book honors the influence of spiritually mature believers by revealing the dedicated efforts and successes of dedicated Christian missionaries in the gospel’s journey from the Apostle Paul in the first century A.D. to present-day America.
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